This is the third and final project for my Visual Design for Multimedia class. It was a collaboration between me and a few other classmates about the calcification process and development of the White Cliffs of Dover over 200 million years via coccolithophores (unicellular organisms that can be found all throughout the ocean that also regulate the ocean’s temperatures). As a requirement, we used Mozilla Hubs as a foundation for our project. Mozilla Hubs is a virtual reality chatroom that anyone can use with many web browsers, with or without a VR headset. Each one of us was assigned to a specific role for the project and we all made a room we linked together. Except for the intro room, each room is separated into different time frames, the farthest going back to 200 mya and the latest being in the present. I made the 200 mya room along with the 3D coccolithophores and the 2D bubbles. Everyone was also required to create a custom avatar to navigate a VR room, so I will include mine in this post as well. The models were made in Maya, the bubble in Adobe Illustrator, and the avatar’s texture in Photoshop.
Here’s a link to the project: