EPIPHANY – A Short Animated Film Project I Helped Create
Epiphany was a group project I took part in for my Maya Animation class in the spring of 2019. I wasn’t the head role of this project (that credit goes to Elliot Wilks and Almer Carlos), but I did in fact made the bed and animated the camera movement both seen at the end of…
Paraphernalia – my VR game project
Paraphernalia was the videogame I created for my computer gaming course during my last semester at UNCW. It’s a simulator of substance-induced impairments and hallucinations. Earlier levels are more easy to navigate through and will display pleasant experiences while levels later on in the game become more challenging to navigate and depict terrifying visuals. If I had more time to work on my project, or if I had the right resources outside of…
Mozilla Hubs Project for my Visual Design class
This is the third and final project for my Visual Design for Multimedia class. It was a collaboration between me and a few other classmates about the calcification process and development of the White Cliffs of Dover over 200 million years via coccolithophores (unicellular organisms that can be found all throughout the ocean that also…